
  • 🦄aj九游会官网【极速线路】进入【欧洲杯官方合作网站】华人市场最大的线上娱乐服务供应商 Wukang Road-九游会J9·(china)官方网站-真人游戏第一品牌


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🦄aj九游会官网【极速线路】进入【欧洲杯官方合作网站】华人市场最大的线上娱乐服务供应商 Wukang Road-九游会J9·(china)官方网站-真人游戏第一品牌

发布日期:2024-09-18 07:02    点击次数:162

🦄aj九游会官网【极速线路】进入【欧洲杯官方合作网站】华人市场最大的线上娱乐服务供应商 Wukang Road-九游会J9·(china)官方网站-真人游戏第一品牌

Shanghai Express, a free layover tour service for international passengers transiting for more than eight hours at Shanghai Pudong International Airport, will embrace an upgraded version from September 23 with two new stops included in the routes.

The free half-day tour was launched by China's global travel service provider Trip.com in April, and three routes that include iconic attractions of the city are currently available.

The one-stop service covers a range of items from free sightseeing trips and free transportation to foreign currency exchange and free Internet services.

An English tour guide service is offered.

From September 23, the routes will cover Wuzhong Market, a popular wet market in the Hengfu (Hengshan-Fuxing Road) Historical Conservation Zone in Xuhui District, and Nanjing Road Pedestrian Mall, one of the most iconic attractions of the city, for the first time.

Meanwhile, during the 2024 Shanghai Tourism Festival, a special route will take foreign passengers to "The Great Art of Dunhuang," which features an array of rare artifacts from the Dunhuang Academy collection, at the China Art Museum in the Pudong New Area.

The free art tour will be available between September 23 and October 6.

Since April 15 when the service was launched, about 3,000 international passengers have enjoyed the free tour, Trip.com reported.

The current route involves Yuyuan Garden, the Bund, Wukang Road, and a Huangpu River cruise sightseeing night tour.

The detailed route arrangement after the two new stops are included is being worked out, Trip.com stated.

Here are some of the popular questions:

Q: Who can apply for the service?

A: Travelers transiting through Shanghai Pudong International Airport with layovers of over eight hours.

Q: What's included?

A: Free transportation, attraction tickets, Internet service, and English tour guide service.

Q: Is the whole service free?

A: Yes. The whole tour is free, but food is not included.

Q: How to join?

A: Step 1: Check your schedule

Simply pick the route that suits your schedule and interests you most based on the available tour time.

Step 2: Meeting point

Upon arrival at the airport, simply head to the meeting point for in-person registration.

Step 3: Begin your hassle-free tour

Once your registration is completed, you will be picked up by guides at the meeting point.

Q: Where is the meeting point?

A: It is located at the Trip.com Group currency exchange counter on Island A in the 3F Departure Hall of Terminal 2 at the Shanghai Pudong International Airport (near Gate 21).🦄aj九游会官网【极速线路】进入【欧洲杯官方合作网站】华人市场最大的线上娱乐服务供应商

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